Actual Content


Photo Archiving
Wm's Journel
Logger's Lingo


Real Content Based on My Interests

  • Family - I'm big on the family, but am not going to share much here.  If you would like me to email copies of past family grams/newsletters, drop me a line and I'll give it due consideration (
  • xBox- If you haven't noticed, I thoroughly enjoy my xBox.  Check out the official site, or the additional information concerning games I own and enjoy.  Look for me online as NukeGnome.
  • Reading- I've always loved to read.  Just about anything is of interest, but there are a few genres that especially interest me and a few authors whom I will recommend.
  • Photo Archiving - I've been trying to archive the family photographs using a variety of tools.  What a project.  Thank goodness we have gone to a digital camera.
  • Genealogy - Genealogy is an addictive hobby.  Fascinating and a lot like a detective story.  Some of the nuts are tough to crack and the answers are usually fairly surprising (be prepared to "dump" the family lore - the truth is much more shocking, interesting, and downright funny - your ancestors were human after all).
  • Business Travel - My job takes me all over the world.  Not sure why the family and wife put up with it, but it certainly has been an education for this kid from Oregon.   To summarize in a single sentence: "There is one heck of a lot of great people out there."
  • Math - I am by no means a mathematician.  But the art and logic of math continue to amaze me.  Provide a description, or perhaps a picture here.
  • Specialized Lingo - Every industry has a specialized language used by its members to quickly convey concepts.  The uninitiated are often confused and feel left out when the aficionados begin using their customized version of English.  Below are a couple of attempts to capture and explain the "lingo" from a couple of industries.

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This site was last updated 02/03/05