Welcome to Tye's Home on the Web


Actual Content
About Me
Photo Gallery
On Reorganization


Welcome to my Web site!

Like so many others I started my website years ago when the internet was young (and still spelled with a capital "I") and then failed to keep it up-to-date.  In general, it was a "why bother"?  It wasn't like there was unique content I could provide that wasn't already out there and I really didn't want to post a bunch of private information for folks I didn't know to just read.  I've attempted to strike a balance with both types of information.  There is some personal information that seems appropriate to share via this media, and there is some unique content I've prepared under "Actual Content"

Favorite Links

Actually, this constitutes about the only part of the original website still around.  Who knew that web logging (listing your favorite links) would turn into web blogging, and then just blogging.  I'd like to think I was ahead of the times, but blogging has become so much more then just listing links you like.

My Xbox Info
PS3 Comparison to Xbox 360

Wahoo!  While the Xbox demographic was 14 - 30 year olds, it not only attract those under this range, but has a substantial following for those who would be viewed as decrepitly old by its target audience.  No apologies - its fun.

Photo Album

MountainsLook at my online photo album with pictures from vacations, the family, etc.


Home | Favorites | Actual Content | About Me | Photo Gallery | On Reorganization | Disclaimer

This site was last updated 11/27/06