Pages 180 - End


Pages 1 - 20
Pages 21 - 39
Pages 40 - 60
Pages 61 - 79
Pages 80 - 99
Pages 100 - 119
Pages 120 - 139
Pages 140 - 159
Pages 160 - 179
Pages 180 - End


I got my brother bundled up and out of the <page 180> of the wind and down to the boat landing where he and the young lady was to wait.  The boatman said young fellow you do need a doctor bad.  He looked at the lady and said, you can see how rough and choppy the Bay is, do you still want to go and her reply was yes.  He said alright we will start.  I was getting nervous as it was getting late and we were anxious to get to the doctor.  The man who owned the boat was a powerful fellow and knew his stuff.  It was a good thing he did because it required skill and strength.  My brother felt so bad he paid no attention to the floundering and rolling of the boat.  The lady was awfully frightened and wept like she had lost her best friend.  I didnot feel gleeful myself.  We tried to assure her that there was no danger.  I don’t suppose there was but it sure did not look good to a landlubber.  Sickness was the only thing that would get me out in an open boat in a gale like that.  We finally landed safe and sound on the dock in Tillamook.  Glad indeed we went to the hotel and registered.  I called Doctor Hawk who was a young physician who had been <page 181> > practicing medicine in Tillamook for some time and was considered the leading medical practitioner of the County.  He came to our room and on the second floor of the hotel and looked at my brother and asked how long he had been sick?  He began to make his examination,  he would look at me and shake his head as much as to say that he was pretty sick.  We both knew that as he had been in bed several days before he would consent to go and see a doctor.  When the doctor  had finished the examination he said, one lung was badly conjested and he would have to stay where he could give him medical attention for several days.  Even that was good news to me because I was afraid pneumonia had already set in.  He wrote out a prescription after giving him first-aid to ease his breathing.  I went to the drugstore and had it filled.  When I came back he had gone to sleep.  That was the first nap he had had for some time.  He soon woke up and he began taking his medicine at once as he <page 182> was very anxious to get back to camp.  He had to take a tablet every hour for several hours.  I played nurse until midnight.  That covered the first stage of treatment.  Then we changed medicine and by morning he was showing some improvement.  The doctor came and said, if there was no relapse he would be out of danger in a short time.  I staid that day to see how he got along.  By the next morning he was feeling much easier, looked better, his eyes looked brighter.  The doctor came early and said the results were satisfactory.  After breakfast I started back to camp.  I took the launch for Garibaldi and from there it was a walking show.  The stage did not go that day.  I went up the Miami River from Garibaldi to the divide and down Folley Creek to where it empties into the Nehalem.  I got a man to take me across the river and arrived in camp just in time for supper.  Believe it or not I was both tired and hungry.  I was still feeling doubtful about the sick boy.  The next evening I received a postcard from Doctor Hawk stating that he was still  <page 183> improving.  That of course made good news as all the boys as well as the cook liked my brother better than they did me because I happened to be the boss.  But, we got along O.K> Anyhow, we became better acquainted.  The camp done well during my absence.  I congratulated the crew and told them I was proud of them.  We had not been operating very long and none of them ever drove a team in the woods.  The three who came with me were gone.  Two of them got sick and went back to Portland.  My brother and I being away left a green crew in camp.  So when I found everything on an even keel, congratulations were in order.  Everybody has a better taste in their mouth when they feel like they are recognized as a part of the organization.  It does not matter how small a part one has if you can keep him interested in his job he will make a better employee.  I may be wrong but after many years of experience in handling men that is my final conclusion.  We went out the next morning and I took the road team as the man who drove while I was absent wanted <page 184> to go back to his job as stretcher tender.  In teamwork his job was to carry the butthook around, hitch it to the crotchchain of lead dogs as some call them.  They consist of a piece of chain about five feet or six feet long with a logging dog on each end and they drive a dog in each side of the front log, then they hitch the butthook which is fastened to doubletree or stretchers as we call them in the logging business.  To this chain crotched across the end of the log and held secure by the two dogs.  This fellow was good as he had got some experience from working around an ox team someplace the year before.  He said, the only difference was that the horseteam was so much faster.  There was some heavy rigging because he had to carry the stretchers around and with the ox team the hook and end of the chain was all he had to lift.  He also mentioned the fact he had to walk one-third  more working with horse team because they moved at least one-third faster than the bullteam.  Do you know what he was driving at?  He wanted a 25 cent a day raise.  Not 25 cents an hour like this year of 1948  <page 185> You can see how things have changed as I was writing about the year of 1898, 50 years ago.  Today 1948, a man ask for a raise of 25 to 30 cents an hour or for $2.00 or $2.50 raise for an 8 hour day.  He does not stammer or stutter when he ask you, he comes right out in plain English.  I am looking over the news this P.M., and I see where some labor organizations are going to ask for a wage boost of 40 cents per hour, some raise!  Everything is going up and it is not for me to say whether he is asking too much.  We will have to let the boom run it’s course and bust, or let the old law of supply and demand take over if no one else can do anything about it.  When the adjustment comes let’s hope  it will not skid too far back.  Say to the panic of 1893, or like the panic of 1932, when so many failures almost bankrupted the entire nation.  Here is hoping that our political gamblers will take a peek at the hole-card before we get so badly involved that we will be everlastingly handicapped and also hand posterity a package <page 186> that will burden them for generations to come.  Let’s hope for the best, the only thing we can do is roll-up our sleeves and increase production.  Make a better grade of lumber and try to get more production per man by furnishing first class equipment.  You would laugh to see some of the rigging we used sixty years ago.  An old wooden block and manila line.  We were using manila line on this job logging for Himple and Wheeler.  We were getting along fine, the road had began to dry out and we could figure our loads out on some kind of average basis.  In a few days the surf began roaring in the South and that meant rain in about twenty four hours and sometimes less.  We had just got up a steep pitch on a nice flat  and there was some fine Yellow-fir and big nice Sitka spruce.  We worked as fast as we could all that day because it was too slick when it was wet for any kind of a team to keep out of the way of them heavy logs on that kind of ground.  We done fine, got them down on the flat and left them there and figured on going back the next morning.  The next morning <page 197> there was a light rain falling and we went out and took them logs to the river and by that time it was raining in Tillamook fashion.  I told the hooktender to have the boys take the teams in.  I went back to the woods and sent all the crew in except the fallers and buckers and the skidroad crew.  We were short of roads anyway so that day and next day everybody stayed in as it was very wet and we was afraid of limbs as the wind blew quite hard and most of the men were not dressed for wet weather and there was lots of Salmonberry brush and it did not dry out very fast after a heavy rain.  So we lost lots of time and while we were down two fellows I got acquainted with the year before came to see me in regards to the salvage of a fishboat.  They had taken a contract to sail this boat from Nehalem Bay to Astoria and a Northwest wind struck them as they went over the Bar and got in the trough of the sea and it carried them up high and dry on the South Spit at the mouth of the Nehalem so they were in a peck of trouble.  They wanted me to help them out.  I told them the boat would <page > know as much about me as I did about it as that was entirely out of my line of business.  How deep would the water be where this craft is beached?  He said, you would have to dig a hole ten feet deep before you could wash your feet.  We want you to take a six horse team and pull the boat across the sandspit.  Leave it near the river so when the tide comes in we can put it back in the Bay.  I asked about the size and they said, it was forty feet long or more.  I do not remember the beam .  That was on Friday and I told them to get some men and axes and shovels and saws ready.  I would meet them Saturday morning at the Himple and Wheeler mill> I walked from camp which was located just across the river from Moler.  It had quit raining and if I did the work they wanted I would have to do it Sunday.  They met met me according to our plan.  We looked the boat over and it was not damaged.  I figured how we would handle the thing and told them what to do.  The tides were getting smaller everyday.  I told them to go over to the drift wood and get some <page 199> small poles, hand skids sizes so we could move them by hand and it would take about twenty.  We took two small logs 50 feet long with about eight inch tops and put one on each side.  After that we took one of the old-fashioned Jacks and put the boat on an even keel.  Put the smaller logs under as tight as we could.  Took some timbers and put across at each end of the boat and drove drift bolts in to hold them in place.  There was a small anchor with the other stuff aboard the boat.  We carried the anchor out about eighty feet and stuck one point down in the sand.  Hooked the end of the line to the anchor for the tailholt.  Then hung our block in the strap on the two logs at the front end of the boat.  We had smeared grease and oil around the bottom of the boat so it would get on the skids as soon as we moved ahead.  We thought everything was ready so I went around the team and took their manes from under the collars and fussed around for a few minutes.  Picked up the goard stick and spoke to the leaders to tighten up.  They took hold of the load but in <page 200> that soft loose sand it was a poor showing.  The small logs that we were using for a sled settled down in the sand and it did look bad.  We took the Jack and lifted the front end of these logs up so we could put a six inch hand skid under the end to keep them from digging into the sand.  We tried again and pulled the thing up on the skids and the boys and myself felt pretty good as the worst of the job was over.  WE went along as fast as the men could get the skids ready.  They had to be carried about forty feet each time we pulled ahead.  We could do the job quicker by hand than we could with a team.  We did not have much time as the tide had turned.  We had to ferry across just before flood tide.  We tryed to make every move count as the old saying is time and tide waits for no man.  We had the proof of both statements right before our eyes.  Both appeared to running true to form.  Got over the little hump of the sandspit and had much easier going.  We pulled the boat as close as I wanted to risk <page 201> going.  The two men took over and we began to load our equipment on the small barge so we could ferry over before dark.  This task soon finished and we were across the river safely before the tide began to ebb.  Our job was not finished as we had nine or ten miles to go to get back to camp.  Both men and horses began feeling the need of food.  We went up the Nehalem to the Northfork and crossed and got back to camp just as the crew was preparing to go to bed.  We were tired and needless to say hungry.  Otherwise in good spirits.  Well satisfied with our days work.  We took on a mansized feed and gave the horses a light brushing and bedded them down and were ready to hit the hay, which in the loggers language means going to bed.  There was nothing unusual happened until the Fourth of July.  They had a kind of get together in Nehalem during the day and a dance and supper at night.  We shutdown for three days as some of the men had to go to Tillamook and a part of the trip was a walking show <page 202>.  They did not have much time, but they were back on time and we went to work according to plan.  We logged above camp until the fall rain started in and then we moved below camp.  That put us on better ground and larger timber.  We had made some improvement on our skidroad.  We got a barge load of road plank and split some slabs from logs and made what they call a corduroy road and we kept the horse out of the mud and we could work anytime it was fit to be out…

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