MathCad Files

The following are a few MathCad files that are present on this website. These are intended to show the benefits of standardized reference worksheets. Specifically, these demonstrate standardized, reusable, worksheets for thermo-hydraulic work. They include worksheets for water properties, heat exchanger characteristics, and pipe flow. These standardized reference worksheets can be included in other worksheets and thus eliminate the need to rebuild custom sets of equations for these subject areas. Two different sets of files are available:

MathCad Version*


6.x or 7.02a

Uses hard coded URLs for the reference documents. These documents only work from this website. The link to the left opens an HTML document from which you will be able to open the relevant example files.


Uses relative reference for the reference documents. These documents can be downloaded and used on any local hard drive, LAN, or internet site (but only with permission). The link to the left opens a MathCad worksheet from which you will be able to open the relevant examples files.

Note that the non-patched version of MathCad 7.0 and 8.0 will not work.


There is no warranty or assurance of accuracy for any of these worksheets (e.g., certain parameters for water have been shown to have large inaccuracy at certain points in the curves). I have tested for my own uses, but you will need to assure they meet your individual project needs for modeling correctness and accuracy.


  1. MathCad is a Mathsoft product.
  2. Other example worksheets are available on this site. The directory listing of the MathCad files lists all the worksheets on this web.
  3. MathCad 6.x: These worksheets should work in MathCad 6.x. These worksheets were originally created in MathCad 6.x. MathCad 6.x did not support the addition of Internet based references via its editor, but they could be added manually by editing the underlying text of the worksheet. I haven't opened these in a while in 6.0, but it should still work. I have never tried these with the Macintosh version of 6.x.
  4. MathCad 7.x: These worksheets will work in MathCad 7.02a, but not in earlier versions of 7.x. The patches to update earlier versions are available at:
  5. MathCad 8.x: These worksheets will work in MathCad 8.02a, but not in earlier versions of 8.x. The patches to update earlier versions are available at: The specific problems are: