.MCAD 304020000 1 79 611 0 .CMD FORMAT rd=d ct=10 im=i et=3 zt=15 pr=3 mass length time charge temperature tr=0 vm=0 .CMD SET ORIGIN 1 .CMD SET TOL 0.001000000000000 .CMD SET PRNCOLWIDTH 8 .CMD SET PRNPRECISION 4 .CMD PRINT_SETUP 1.000000 1.000000 0.750000 0.500000 1 .CMD HEADER_FOOTER 1 1 *empty* Properties^of^Pipe^Flow *empty* 0 1 |F |P |D^|T .CMD HEADER_FOOTER_FONT fontID=14 family=Arial points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD HEADER_FOOTER_FONT fontID=15 family=Arial points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFAULT_TEXT_PARPROPS 0 0 2 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=0 name=Variables .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=1 name=Constants .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=2 name=Text .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=4 name=User^1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=5 name=User^2 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=6 name=User^3 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=7 name=User^4 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=8 name=User^5 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=9 name=User^6 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE_NAME fontID=10 name=User^7 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=0 family=Times^New^Roman points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=1 family=Times^New^Roman points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=2 family=Arial points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=4 family=Math^Ext points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=5 family=Greek^Symbols points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=6 family=System points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=7 family=Script points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=8 family=Roman points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=9 family=Modern points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD DEFINE_FONTSTYLE fontID=10 family=Times^New^Roman points=10 bold=0 italic=0 underline=0 colrid=-1 .CMD UNITS U=1 .CMD DIMENSIONS_ANALYSIS 0 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 0 0 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 128 0 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 0 128 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 128 128 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 0 0 128 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 128 0 128 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 0 128 128 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 128 128 128 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 192 192 192 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 255 0 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 0 255 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 255 255 0 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 0 0 255 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 255 0 255 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 0 255 255 .CMD COLORTAB_ENTRY 255 255 255 .TXT 4 1 122 0 0 Cg a47.000000,47.000000,49 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 Darcy-Weisbach equation for frictional head loss.}} .EQN 4 0 189 0 0 {0:h.f}NAME÷{1:ƒ}NAME*({0:L}NAME)/({0:D}NAME)*(({0:v}NAME)^(2))/(2*{0:g}NAME) .EQN 0 19 217 0 0 {0:h.f}NAME÷8*{1:ƒ}NAME*({0:L}NAME*({0:W}NAME)^(2))/(({0:D}NAME)^(5)*({0:\p}NAME)^(2)*{0:g}NAME) .EQN 7 -19 256 0 0 {0:h.f_dw}NAME({1:ƒ}NAME,{0:L}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:W}NAME):8*{1:ƒ}NAME*({0:L}NAME*({0:W}NAME)^(2))/(({0:D}NAME)^(5)*({0:\p}NAME)^(2)*{0:g}NAME) .TXT 0 28 260 0 0 Cg a45.000000,45.000000,156 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 ; Darcy-Weisbach equation solved for head loss (}{\cf2\i h}{\cf2\i\dn f}{ \cf2 ) as a function of friction factor (}{\object{\*\objclass \eqn} \rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 17 46 466 0 0 {1:ƒ}NAME }}{\cf2 ), pipe length (}{\cf2\i L}{\cf2 ), pipe diameter (}{\cf2\i D}{ \cf2 ) and volumetric flow rate (}{\cf2\i W}{\cf2 ). }} .EQN 8 -28 255 0 0 {0:D.dw}NAME({1:ƒ}NAME,{0:L}NAME,{0:h.f}NAME,{0:W}NAME):(5){80}(8*{1:ƒ}NAME*({0:L}NAME)/({0:h.f}NAME)*(({0:W}NAME)^(2))/(({0:\p}NAME)^(2)*{0:g}NAME)) .TXT 0 28 259 0 0 Cg a45.000000,45.000000,74 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 ; Darcy-Weisbach equation solved for }{\cf2\i D}{\cf2 as a function of }{ \object{\*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 23 66 467 0 0 {1:ƒ}NAME }}{\cf2 , }{\cf2\i L}{\cf2 , }{\cf2\i h}{\cf2\i\dn f}{\cf2 , and}{\cf2 \i }{\cf2\i W}{\cf2 . }} .EQN 8 -28 254 0 0 {0:L.dw}NAME({1:ƒ}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:h.f}NAME,{0:W}NAME):({0:h.f}NAME*({0:D}NAME)^(5))/(8*{1:ƒ}NAME)*(({0:\p}NAME)^(2)*{0:g}NAME)/(({0:W}NAME)^(2)) .TXT 0 28 258 0 0 Cg a45.000000,45.000000,74 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 ; Darcy-Weisbach equation solved for }{\cf2\i L}{\cf2 as a function of }{ \object{\*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 31 57 468 0 0 {1:ƒ}NAME }}{\cf2 , }{\cf2\i D}{\cf2 , }{\cf2\i h}{\cf2\i\dn f}{\cf2 , and}{\cf2 \i }{\cf2\i W}{\cf2\i .}{\cf2 }} .EQN 8 -28 253 0 0 {0:W.dw}NAME({1:ƒ}NAME,{0:L}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:h.f}NAME):\(({0:h.f}NAME)/(8*{1:ƒ}NAME)*(({0:D}NAME)^(5))/({0:L}NAME)*({0:\p}NAME)^(2)*{0:g}NAME) .TXT 0 28 257 0 0 Cg a45.000000,45.000000,74 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 ; Darcy-Weisbach equation solved for }{\cf2\i W}{\cf2 as a function of }{ \object{\*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 39 66 469 0 0 {1:ƒ}NAME }}{\cf2 , }{\cf2\i L, }{\cf2\i D}{\cf2 , and}{\cf2\i h}{\cf2\i\dn f}{ \cf2 . }} .TXT 7 -28 438 0 0 C x1,1,0,0 .TXT 4 0 437 0 0 Cg a70.875000,70.875000,174 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 Colebrook equation for friction factor }using Mathcad's solve block function. (MathCad implements the {\b\ul\link1 Levenberg-Marquard} for to solve for several constraints simultaneously){\b .}\par } .ATT .ATT_END .ATT .LINK http://www.3-cities.com/~tyroneb/mathcad/SolveBlocks.mcd .ATT_END .EQN 8 0 92 0 0 {1:ƒ}NAME:.002 .TXT 0 8 440 0 0 Cg a65.000000,65.000000,22 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;}{\fonttbl{\f0 \fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard ; initial guess (seed)} .EQN 4 -8 93 0 0 {0:Given}NAME .EQN 6 3 94 0 0 (1)/(\({1:ƒ}NAME))÷-0.86*{0:ln}NAME(({5:M}NAME)/(3.7*{0:D}NAME)+(2.51)/({4:Á}NAME*\({1:ƒ}NAME))) .EQN 6 -3 336 0 0 {1:ƒ.t}NAME({5:M}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{4:Á}NAME):{0:find}NAME({1:ƒ}NAME) .EQN 5 0 342 0 0 {1:ƒ.l}NAME({4:Á}NAME):(64)/({4:Á}NAME) .EQN 5 0 505 0 0 {1:ƒ.cb}NAME({5:M}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{4:Á}NAME):{0:if}NAME({4:Á}NAMEò3000,{1:ƒ.t}NAME({5:M}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{4:Á}NAME),{1:ƒ.l}NAME({4:Á}NAME)) .TXT 11 0 456 0 0 Cg a78.000000,78.000000,17 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 Velocity in Tubes}} .TXT 4 26 500 0 0 Cg a46.375000,46.375000,140 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;}{\fonttbl{\f0 \fcharset0\fnil Arial;}{\f1\fcharset2\fnil Symbol;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard ; velocity in the pipe (tubes) as a function of mass flow rate ({ \i w}), diameter ({\i D}), density ({\f1\i r}) and the number of tubes carrying the flow ({\i N}).} .EQN 1 -23 497 0 0 {0:v.t}NAME({0:w}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:\r}NAME,{0:N}NAME):({0:w}NAME)/({0:N}NAME*{0:\r}NAME*({0:\p}NAME)/(4)*({0:D}NAME)^(2)) .TXT 7 -3 457 0 0 Cg a78.000000,78.000000,15 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 Reynolds Number}} .EQN 6 3 496 0 0 {0:Re.v}NAME({0:v}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:\r}NAME,{0:\m}NAME):({0:v}NAME*{0:D}NAME*{0:\r}NAME)/({0:\m}NAME) .TXT 0 23 499 0 0 Cg a47.000000,47.000000,82 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}{\f1\fcharset2\fnil Symbol;}}\plain \cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 ; Reynolds number (}{\object{\*\objclass \eqn} \rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 113 41 307 0 0 {4:Á}NAME }}{\cf2 )as}{\cf2 , }{\cf2 velocity (}{\cf2\i v}{\cf2 ), diameter (}{ \cf2\i D}{\cf2 ), density (}{\cf2\f1 r}) and viscosity ({\f1 m})} .EQN 7 -23 495 0 0 {0:Re.W}NAME({0:W}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:\r}NAME,{0:\m}NAME):(4*{0:W}NAME)/({0:\p}NAME*{0:D}NAME)*({0:\r}NAME)/({0:\m}NAME) .TXT 0 23 498 0 0 Cg a47.000000,47.000000,108 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}{\f1\fcharset2\fnil Symbol;}}\plain \cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 ; Reynolds number (}{\object{\*\objclass \eqn} \rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 120 41 307 0 0 {4:Á}NAME }}{\cf2 )as a function of volumetric flow rate (W}{\cf2 ), diameter (}{ \cf2\i D}{\cf2 ), density (}{\cf2\f1\i r}{\cf2 ) and viscosity (}{\cf2 \f1\i m}{\cf2 ).}} .EQN 8 -23 508 0 0 {0:Re.W\n}NAME({0:W}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:\n}NAME):(4*{0:W}NAME)/({0:\p}NAME*{0:D}NAME*{0:\n}NAME) .TXT 8 -3 460 0 0 Cg a78.000000,78.000000,14 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red128\green0\blue0;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 Prandtl Number}} .EQN 5 3 494 0 0 {0:Pr}NAME({0:c.p}NAME,{0:\m}NAME,{0:k.w}NAME):({0:c.p}NAME*{0:\m}NAME)/({0:k.w}NAME) .TXT 7 -3 501 0 0 C x1,1,0,0 .TXT 3 0 488 0 0 Cg a71.250000,71.250000,132 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 Swamee and Jain equation for flow rate (}{\cf2\i W}{\cf2 ) based on Colebrook equation for friction factor and Darcy-Weisbach formula for head loss.}} .EQN 9 1 489 0 0 {0:W.sj}NAME({5:M}NAME,{0:\n}NAME,{0:D}NAME,{0:L}NAME,{0:h.f}NAME):-0.955*({0:D}NAME)^(2)*\(({0:g}NAME*{0:D}NAME*{0:h.f}NAME)/({0:L}NAME))*{0:ln}NAME(({5:M}NAME)/(3.7*{0:D}NAME)+(1.775*{0:\n}NAME)/({0:D}NAME*\(({0:g}NAME*{0:D}NAME*{0:h.f}NAME)/({0:L}NAME) ))) .EQN 11 1 577 0 0 {0:D}NAME:30*{0:in}NAME .TXT 0 10 578 0 0 Cg a68.000000,68.000000,10 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;}{\fonttbl{\f0 \fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard seed value} .EQN 4 -10 579 0 0 {0:Given}NAME .EQN 8 0 580 0 0 {0:W}NAME÷-0.955*({0:D}NAME)^(2)*\(({0:g}NAME*{0:D}NAME*{0:h.f}NAME)/({0:L}NAME))*{0:ln}NAME(({5:M}NAME)/(3.7*{0:D}NAME)+(1.775*{0:\n}NAME)/({0:D}NAME*\(({0:g}NAME*{0:D}NAME*{0:h.f}NAME)/({0:L}NAME)))) .EQN 10 0 581 0 0 {0:D.sj}NAME({5:M}NAME,{0:\n}NAME,{0:L}NAME,{0:h.f}NAME,{0:W}NAME):{0:Find}NAME({0:D}NAME) .TXT 6 -2 582 0 0 C x1,1,0,0 .TXT 4 1 589 0 0 Cg a73.375000,73.375000,713 {\rtf\ansi \deff0{\colortbl;\red0\green128\blue128;\red0\green0\blue128;}{ \fonttbl{\f0\fcharset0\fnil Arial;}}\plain\cf1\fs20 \pard {\cf2 Darcy-Weisbach equation solved for }{\cf2\i W}{\cf2 as a function of }{ \object{\*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 203 42 469 0 0 {1:ƒ}NAME }}{\cf2 , }{\cf2\i L, }{\cf2\i D}{\cf2 , and}{\cf2\i h}{\cf2\i\dn f}{ \cf2 .\par \par }{ \object{\*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 210 26 585 0 0 {0:W}NAME÷\(({0:h.f}NAME)/(8*{1:ƒ}NAME)*(({0:D}NAME)^(5))/({0:L}NAME)*({0:\p}NAME)^(2)*{0:g}NAME) }}{\cf2 }{\cf2 \par \par }{\cf2 Note that for an installed design the diameter, length, and friction factor should remain constant (actually diameter, effective length and friction factor can all change due to degradation/plugging of the piping). Thus flow can be expressed as: \par \par }{\object{ \*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 224 25 586 0 0 {0:W}NAME({0:K}NAME,{0:h.f}NAME):{0:K}NAME*\({0:h.f}NAME) }}{\cf2 \par \par where K is calculated from actual plant operating data and/or from the design data:\par \par }{\object{\*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 236 23 607 0 0 {0:K.dw}NAME({1:ƒ}NAME,{0:L}NAME,{0:D}NAME):\((({0:D}NAME)^(5)*({0:\p}NAME)^(2)*{0:g}NAME)/(8*{1:ƒ}NAME*{0:L}NAME)) }}{\cf2 \par \par or }{\cf2 \par \par }{ \object{\*\objclass \eqn}\rsltpict{\*\objdata .EQN 246 24 611 0 0 {0:K.pr}NAME({0:W}NAME,{0:h.f}NAME):({0:W}NAME)/(\({0:h.f}NAME)) }}{\cf2 \par \par }}